Work continued on the wood pile and the new fence is up! 

We have built some st...

Work continued on the wood pile and the new fence is up! We have built some st…

Work continued on the wood pile and the new fence is up! We have built some stores inside and the plan is to purchase some metal frames to create more stores along the fence to keep the wood pile tidy and user friendly! So please we ask that all over volunteers and site users continue …

We have built some st…”

Day 2!!!! 

Back up and put all the fence posts in for the woodpile! 


Day 2!!!! Back up and put all the fence posts in for the woodpile! Hopefully…

Day 2!!!! Back up and put all the fence posts in for the woodpile! Hopefully a fully functional woodpile will be back with the site in next few weeks, and we hope all visitors will respect the work that’s been done and not just dump items that really can’t be used to burn on campfires!! …

Back up and put all the fence posts in for the woodpile!
