#FeedbackFriday Check out our website for our current rates and book your visit…
#FeedbackFriday Check out our website for our current rates and book your visit today! https://blackhillscampsite.org.uk/ #positive #theperfectlocation
#FeedbackFriday Check out our website for our current rates and book your visit today! https://blackhillscampsite.org.uk/ #positive #theperfectlocation
This week we have a number of website updates to promote! Keep a look out for these daily throughout the week! #Updates #Website #Bookings #Jobs #PriceLists #SiteMap
This weekend our Website is been transferred to a new server so may be unavailable at points but please direct any questions during this time either email bookings@blackhillscampsite.org.uk or via phone on 0845 094 8894. Any questions about this move please direct to communications@blackhillscampsite.org.uk Thanks
We are currently experiencing problems with the Blackhills Website email system so it has been disabled but direct email is still working so please contact bookings@blackhillscampsite.org.uk directly and if you have sent a email and it has not been replied to these have been recovered and your email will be sorted though soon.
The website will be under maintenance for upgrades from 21:00 GMT on 23/11/2012, we will be still contactable via phone and email during this down period.